Thursday, April 30, 2009


So I know I suck at updating this blog! I've been busy though which is a good excuse and I highly doubt that Dan will be updating the blog anytime soon! Anyways, wedding season will be kicking into full gear this weekend. May and June are busy, busy, busy and hopefully getting busier with senior portraits during the week! Designing at Pink Ink has been a blessing in disguise and I absolutely love being able to design stuff again and with it being stuff that I can use for my business. I haven't scrapped in ages though which I really need to do sometime soon! So I'll do some updating on all fronts of my life so here we go!

Business- Business is doing great!! I'm about to purchase another lens within the week and it's a scary purchase, but it's something that I need and I know that it'll pay for itself soon! It's just scary when you make large purchases and when you look at the receipt and think "oh my god.....I could have bought a lot of stuff for that amount of money!"

Dan- Dan is doing well! Still loving his job which is something that I know is hard to come by these days. On days where I think that he might be having a tough day I always ask him if it was a bad day like the last place he worked and it's always a certain no!

Lilly- Lilly is doing well! She'll be turning 3 soon. Still hard to believe that my baby will be 3! I'm about to start planning her birthday party since we didn't have one for her last year since we were in the midst of moving into the house. I just can't decide if I should make the cake or not. The crafty girl in me want to make it again and make it pretty so I'll have something to photograph, but I guess we'll see! She's been doing well with potty training and actually pooped in the potty for the first time today which is super! We've been using a sticker chart which seems to be working well. Only problem is that she only does really well when she doesn't wear anything on the bottom! So next week we're going to move onto underwear and let her have accidents until she learns.......thank goodness for hardwood floors!! It's also hard to imagine that she'll be entering pre-school this year.......I'm still in total denial!

The house- The house is coming along nicely. Dan started scraping the front of the house this past weekend and hopes to have the bottom half done within the next couple of weeks. Then his cousin who is a painter is going to help him do the upper part. He also need to replace some of the woodwork that is rotted out because there's no point painting over something that's just going to fall apart! The kitchen is moving along slowly. I think mostly because of the whole dust issue. I HATE the layers of dust it leaves in my house. And since I'm the one that does the drywall, it's up to me to finish it! We're ordering the kitchen sink cabinet and we're going to get a quote for the rest of the cabinets. We might be able to do the kitchen remodel a little sooner than planned thanks to a wonderful discount we received! We're also going to price solid granite (we were planning on getting tile granite) as well which is exciting.

Another thing we're going to start doing this year is replacing the windows. The kitchen and bathroom are first on the list followed by the front windows. And yet another thing on the list of things to do is the driveway......we won't be able to pave it for a few years since it's not a high priority at this point, but we do need to have some new stone put down so that's it's not such a mess next spring! Like I've said countless times before, it'll be a work in progress for years to come!

Oh and the big news.......Bessy is back from being on vacation. You see......Bessy is my lawnmower. Bessy was my grandpa's riding lawnmower that me and Dan inherited when Grandpa passed away. So she sat in storage waiting to be used. Then when we were ready for her, she wasn't feeling too well so we brought her to the lawn mower doctor in Arlington. Well I guess Bessy really liked it there because she's been there since August. I finally told Dan that I had had enough and that I wanted the mower back so that we could mow the lawn whenever we wanted......otherwise I was going to make him buy one of those eco-friendly push mowers which wouldn't have been fun with 3/4 of an acre of land!! Needless to say, Bessy is back home with us and working well. She'll probably need to be replaced in a few years, but she works and she gets the job done so that's all that matters!

Anyways, here's a pic of Lilly today out on the back porch enjoying the weather and coloring....

Friday, April 17, 2009

The outdoors

I love that we're finally able to enjoy the outdoors again! Lilly has been having lots of fun the past few days in the backyard. We've been playing kickball, dancing and throwing rocks in the river which she loves to do. I was able to catch a couple of her and even managed a smile from her.....

Lilly will be spending tomorrow and tomorrow night with Nana so me and Dan can focus when we go to Curtis Lumber to pick out the cabinetry and try to get an estimate for the all of the cabinets and not just the sink/island cabinet. The only major expense in the kitchen besides the cabinets is moving the heating ducts. It won't happen this year, but maybe we can buy the cabinets one by one to spread out the cost over a year and it can maybe happen next year so we'll see. Dan will be focusing on the front of the house now which will require some more time because the detail trim in the front is peeling really bad. I'll still be stuck inside working on the kitchen, but at least I can have the back door open to let in the breeze from the river! I'll be working on my perennial flower garden too so that'll be something new for me to do as well!! Anyways, I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend wherever you are!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


We had a wonderful Easter this year! Even amongst all of the chaos of the kitchen/dining room remodel we had a lovely Easter dinner. We started the day by heading out to church. Our local church stopped doing Sunday masses so we thought that we were going to have to go to the next town over, but when we drove by the parking lot was near full so we figured that they were holding mass. So luckily we didn't have to drive to Manchester to go to church. This year we were one of those "holiday attendees" as I liked to call it when we attended mass regularly. We used to go to church every weekend when we were living in Buffalo, but once we moved to Massachusetts and then to Vermont we stopped going. Life got too hectic so church got put on the back burner. So maybe this will make us start going again.....but then again having an almost 3 year old who only wants to run around may make me think differently!

Anyways, once we came back home, we had our first Easter Egg hunt which was so cute. Lilly didn't really understand what she was looking for at first, but she got the hang of it half way through it. This year she only had candy in her eggs, but once she understands money we'll start putting money in the eggs so that she can put it in her bank account. She loved her baskets.....her candy from Grandpa & Grandpa (she still calls Mary Grandpa....although she did call her Grandma once!), her movies and candy from Aunt Betsy, Uncle Justin and Marianna and her sock Monkey from Nana (Lilly loves monkeys!) Then we had a wonderful spiral ham and other yummy stuff for an early dinner!

And here's a couple of pics of Lilly during her egg hunt....

Monday, April 13, 2009


You can check out my stuff here at Pink Ink........and be sure to check out all of the other designers participating as well!!