Check out my Kodak gallery to see a movie of Lillian that I took yesterday! This is when she was being a little fussy in between feeds and she just happened to have the hiccups!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
The Princess's room!

Lilly's room still needs a few finishing touches but for the most part it's all done! Dan has to touch up her dresser a little bit and I need to add a few more decorative pieces until I'll be completely happy with it. Hopefully the paintings that I did added a bit of color to a really white room. The paintings that I liked the best were the Calla lillies that I painted that I put on each side of her mirror. All in all I like the way that the room turned out....I think that it turned out really sweet.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

She's almost there......4 lbs to be exact! Tonight Lilly weighed in at 3 lbs 13 oz and she has been completely off of the supplement for 2 days! We're still unsure of her exact release date but we know it will be soon. Her face is really starting to fill in and she's awake even longer now which has been a lot of fun.....and a lot of work! It's been a lot harder feeding her the past couple of days but I know that it's a learning process for the both of us and that we'll get the hang of it sooner or later! We're still very thankful that she has continued to do so well!
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
It just keeps on getting better!

Everyday we continue to receive good news! Today when we visited we were greeted by Lillian sitting in her carseat! The monitors never went off so she passed her first test! Then to top things off she is completely off the monitors and shouldn't have any wires attached to her tomorrow when I visit. of last nights weigh in she weighed 3 lbs 9.4 oz! I'm hoping that she'll be home this weekend, especially since Aunt Betsy will be visiting. In the mean time I have a bunch of little things to make sure I have before she comes home which will keep me busy in between my visits. I'm including a pic of Lilly in her really does put into perspective just how little she is!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Lilly had visitors today! Aunt Lindsay and Donna stopped by to say hello! She was asleep most of the time since she had just finished eating but she was still cute nonetheless! She weighed
3 lbs 8.4 oz as of last night and will be weighed again tonight. We brought her car seat in so that she can hopefully start sitting in it sometime this week!
3 lbs 8.4 oz as of last night and will be weighed again tonight. We brought her car seat in so that she can hopefully start sitting in it sometime this week!
Thursday, June 22, 2006

No real news to report today other than her weight which is up to 3 lbs 7.2 oz! She's gaining roughly an ounce a day so at this rate it's a possibility that she could be released later next week! I'm still planning on her coming home the week of July 4th so if she does come home sooner it will just be a bonus! I'll be bringing her car seat in next week because they require that she sit in it an hour after her feeding to make sure that she can handle sitting up. I'm almost done getting her room done and should have it complete by this weekend. I just can't wait to see her in her own crib, in her very own room. I thought that today's pic looked like she was puckering up for a I of course gave her one!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
She's getting bigger!
Little Lilly is up to 3 lbs. 5 oz! Our evening nurse said that the only thing that Lilly has to do to be able to leave is come
off of the monitors (which she
said she "could" do now but they usually wait another week) and gain some more weight. We are truly lucky considering that her neighbor was born at 1 lb and has been there for over 3 months and will probably be there after Lilly leaves. It's become a lot harder for me to leave her in the evening as she's becoming more alert and has her beautiful blue eyes open longer.....but I know that she is in a good place and that she's being taken care of.....I just wish she was home.

Sunday, June 18, 2006
Happy Father's Day!
Friday, June 16, 2006

Today was a good day! I was able to take Lilly out of her isolette on my own which was a great feeling! I held her for almost 3 hours the first time which was even nicer since they limit the time you can hold her in the NICU. The doctor said that Lillian was the easiest report that he gives everyday and that she has been an absolute joy. All of the nurses comment on how perfect her little face is and I must say I agree!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
She graduated!

Lilly was moved to the CCN today! When me and Mary arrived at the hospital I had a feeling that she wasn't in the NICU anymore and I was right! Lilly is looking better every day and we are so thankful that she is doing so well. She's been having a bit of trouble with her feedings since she's eating a lot more but we've been told that during the next couple of weeks she'll remember that she needs to breathe when she eats!
The Lilly report!
Lillian is doing absolutely
wonderful! Her IV was taken out yesterday so she is now able to go to the Continuing Care Nursery as soon as a bed opens! She started gaining weight and the doctor expects that from this point on she'll start getting bigger (although she may continue to lose some weight for a couple more days.) Once she moves into the CCN I'll have more access to her as they want me to learn how to take care of her on our own so that we'll be ready once she's been discharged. So far they've been allowing me to feed her and change her diapers, but once in the CCN I'll be able to take her out of her crib on my own without asking permission (it really feels strange asking someone if I can hold my own baby!) I'm really thankful that she is doing so well and that we haven't had any complications (knock on wood!) Dr. Piccerella expects that Lilly should be home in around 3 week
s.......we can't wait!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Monday, June 12, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
She's here!

The greatest gifts really do come in the smallest of packages! Lillian Grace Bombria decided it was time to come out on June 7 at 8:29 a.m. at 32 weeks along. She weighed in at 3 lbs. 1 oz and measured 16 1/2 inches long. We are truly grateful for the prognosis that she has been given thus far and by the grace of god she hasn't required any oxygen to this point. Her feedings are increased daily and she should be gaining weight sometime this week (the doctor says that it's normal for a

Sunday, June 04, 2006
Lazy but productive weekend!

With all of the rain we had this weekend we decided to stay in and finish up working on Lilly's dresser so I can finally get things started since there's only 8 weeks left until she's here! Dan did 95% of the work (which was fine by me!) and I supervised to make sure everything went okay. We decided to take a break in the afternoon and went to the Chinese Buffet for a late lunch. When we returned, there was a huge box in front of the

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