Friday, February 08, 2008

Still recovering.....

from a long night the other night!  Wednesday night was probably one of the roughest we've ever had......tougher than when she was a newborn!  She would not go to sleep and she played in bed with me for almost 5 hours.  Yesterday was a a complete loss for me!  I can only imagine if I actually had to get up and go to work!  Anyways, today we're working on the laundry and getting our luggage packed  since we'll hopefully be heading to Syracuse next week.  Not sure what we have planned for the weekend, although I'd like to go to the fabric store and get some funky fabrics for backgrounds and such.  We're going to head to the store after Lillian's nap and pick up a few things and go Staples to get some clipboards so I can make an altered clipboard for the business.  I guess that's it for now......not much else to talk about....

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