Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday.....

So if you're in one of those states that's voting in your states primary today, be sure to get out there and vote!  Vermont doesn't vote until March 4th and I'm certainly going to be there!  I'll be the first to admit, that I haven't voted in the past.  That's going to change from this point on for me.  Politics is something that isn't discussed anymore in our house....Dan's a republican and I'm a democrat.....and proud of it!  I won't get into anything deep and political or anything.....I've done my research and I've made my choice, and whatever your choice is, I respect your decision.  It's one of the great things about this country......we're given a CHOICE!  So, here's a little video where you'll see my choice.....


Anonymous said...

My girl has grown up!

Tori said...

Love the video, I posted the same one on my blog the other day.