Sunday, July 01, 2007

Our mini vacation....

So Lilly has been in Syracuse since Friday and me and Dan are just hanging out (and not knowing what to do with ourselves!) Yesterday we ran some errands in the morning and then went fly-fishing around 5. I actually had one on my line and started bringing it in and it jumped off so we'll give it another try later today! Here's a shot of Dan fishing...

So I was thinking about the saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder" and in my case it's really true. I'm so happy that Lilly is spending that one on one time in Syracuse with my family, but it makes you realize what a wonderful gift parenthood is. My everyday life is centered around this little girl and I would do anything in the world for her.....and I just feel lost without her. I guess this time apart has made me treasure being a mother even more. And let me tell you.....I can't wait until Wednesday when we go to pick her up! In the meantime, me and Dan will enjoy our free time together and explore more of Vermont tomorrow and Tuesday!


Brooke - in Oregon said...

I totally understand how you feel. I loved it that my parents would have our kids spend a week with them every summer. But that feeling of 'what do I do now' is just strange.:)

Enjoy your time with Dan, the happier you two are as a couple, the happier Lillie will be too!!

Kyla Armstrong said...

Oh! I'll be living in your shoes in a few days. I have a church retreat with the youth and I'm leaving my DS with my parents for 5 days. I think I might die! But my mom told me it will just make me appreciate being a mother more.