Friday, August 10, 2007


It's only going to get up to 65 today!!!! I love weather like this.....although I wish it weren't raining! Me and Lilly are going to head out to the grocery store this morning to pick up some stuff for some homemade meatballs and sauce that we'll be bringing over to Grandma's. We'll be meeting Dan's aunt and cousin for the first time today. Nothing definite planned for this weekend, although one of the days will be a family day. Dan will work on his truck the other day. Hopefully he'll be able to fix his brakes and both of our vehicles will be in good working order! I was just a little more concerned with my vehicle since we're trading mine in and we're not trading his in when he gets a new truck.

We went to the park yesterday to watch Dan play softball with work. Have I mentioned before how happy Dan is with his job?! I'm sure I have, but they are such a wonderful company and you can tell that they really value their employees which is something that is really hard to come by these days. I'm sure he has his rough days, but it's nothing compared to what it was like before. Anyways, here's a pic of Lilly at the park yesterday on her favorite swing....
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!


Kelly said...

I'm moving in with you.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, she is so cute! I love your header to, that just jumps out at you when you pop on to the site!

Have a great weekend!

Brooke - in Oregon said...

Ok the photo in the header is just to darn cute! I love the grass stuck on her feet :) Man she is really growing.

I want to find a swing like that one for my Grandaughter to put up on the oak tree in our front yard!

Anonymous said...

I'll trade weather with ya!! It's 107 here today and it's been in the 100's for the past week. *ick*
