Wednesday, September 19, 2007


that's how I feel today! I'm not in a bad mood or anything, just a bleh mood! If you haven't heard by now, MDM is closing. I'm really happy for Holly and her new ventures and I know that I would do the same thing in a heartbeat if given the opportunity. You always have to follow your heart, and you can tell by her enthusiasm that that's exactly what she's doing! Of course I'm sad to be leaving MDM. It's such a wonderful community and the other designers, creative muses and members are just wonderful people. So what this means for me is that I need to find a new home! I'm taking a break to re-group and such and will get back to designing either tomorrow or the next day. I have ideas and such but thought it was important to take a "me" day!

In other news, Dan truck just got a new water pump (is that right ) and thermostat. It seems like he's been having bad luck lately with the darn thing so hopefully this is it for awhile. Send positive truck vibes to Dan's beloved truck please!! We went to the Subaru dealer and they had the most beautiful Outback I've ever laid eyes on. It's charcoal grey and has all the bells and whistles that we need.....and it's brand spankin new! We're still waiting until the end of this year or early next year, but it doesn't hurt to start shopping!

Anyways, here's a couple of shots of the scare crows and such from the nursery...

1 comment:

Brooke - in Oregon said...

Fun scarecrows!! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a better day today