Wednesday, November 07, 2007


it's been a busy week so far!!! This past weekend started with going through and finishing loads and loads and loads of laundry. It got a little backed up with the whole flea fiasco and there were some clothes that were clean in the baskets that weren't folded so I freshened those all up and am finally done with everything. Sunday we went for a drive to the Vermont Country Store.....I just love that place!! Monday I finished up my cleaning and then yesterday we ran a few errands around. We picked up a couple of re-usable grocery bags yesterday. I brought them home first to see how well I liked them since I've been shopping all over the internet for some the past week and I think that we'll go with these......and at only $1 each they're a real bargain. I just hate coming home with all of those bags and how much of a waste it is. So now we're a somewhat eco-friendly house with the cloth diapers and grocery bags!!!

My new flash is coming today and I'm so excited about it! I've been doing some research on studio lighting and found that the SB-800 gives out just about as much as the Alien Bee B800 light. So at this point, I figured I'm best off using my flash and getting a softbox. I'm going to get my backdrops and stand from ebay this week so hopefully within the next couple of weeks I'll be able to practice with Lilly using natural light. Can you tell how much I want this?!!! From what I've seen of the local photographers around here that do portraits, they're either using cheesy backdrops or the standard shots. I guess that's just not me. I want to be able to capture real moments in life. I want to be able to capture a baby when they're happy and when they're sad. I want to be able to capture a family with the little ones running around and bringing joy and laughter to their parents faces. If I'm able to do this professionally, I think that I'll have finally found the one thing that I was meant to do career wise. It'll allow me to not only make money, but also have a creative outlet which is something that I'm always craving.

Anyways, me and Lilly are going to go pick up some more grocery bags and maybe head over to Aldi's for a couple of things. Maybe we'll take a couple of shots if the grass isn't too wet!!!

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