Saturday, August 23, 2008

A long day (and week for that matter!)

Today was a really long day and I'm really sleepy, but it was well worth it. Today I drove 3 hours each way to visit a little boy named Matthew. Matthew has Mito disease complex l and lll and CIPO(chronic intestinal pseudo obstruction.) At 3 1/2 years old, he's about the same size as Lillian. As soon as I walked through the door and I saw him I could tell that he was just about the sweetest little boy ever! You may be wondering why I drove 3 hours to meet him and his family. If you haven't looked at the wording on the lower part of my home page for my website, I'm a volunteer photographer for the Littlest Heroes Project. As a photographer, I donate my time and some prints to the family of a child who is ill. Matthew was my first session for this project and I'm so glad that I joined. I don't know how my photographs turned out, but I do know that while I was there, Matthew's mom Lisa told me that he was the most active he's been all summer long and I'm happy that I was able to capture that for them. I offered to photograph their family once a year with the same stipulations that I'll offer all of my clients through this program......mostly because he was my first and because I'd like to see him again. The ride was a nice one and I think that the money I spent on gas and will spend on the prints out of my own pocket is well worth the memories I'm hopefully creating for them. Anyways, you can learn more about the Littlest Heroes Project here and you can check out Matthew's website here!

In other news, I had two other sessions this past is proofed and I'm starting the other one tomorrow. I'm trying to have everything done by the time I leave for Syracuse which shouldn't be a problem. I streamlined my proofing while I was doing the wedding so I'm a lot faster and efficient!! Oh and another little tidbit, I'm reading again. My friends kept talking about the Twilight series and how they couldn't put it down. I totally love it! I bought Twilight last week and have been reading a chapter a night. May not seem like much, but I fall asleep easily when I read. I always want to keep on reading, but I know I'll forget if I continue. I guess that's about it. Dan finished stripping the paint of one side of the house and he's going to be priming it tomorrow. And then later in the day we're going to go to the Washington County Fair.....maybe we'll win a fish for Lilly!

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