here's a story and a half for ya! We've had quite the weekend here and I'll be really happy once the week is over and hopefully going better! Last week when we returned home from Syracuse, me and Lillian caught a cold. Nothing major, just some sniffles. Lilly blows her own nose and all and actually enjoys the nose aspirator (strange I know) so everything was fine and dandy. She was waking up in the middle of the night because of her runny nose, but it wasn't anything we couldn't handle. Roll around to Saturday morning. Me and Lilly are by ourselves because Dan was spending the weekend at Stratton Mountain skiing with a bunch of friends. Around 6:30 in the morning, Lillian wakes me up by standing on top of me because she couldn't breathe. The poor thing just kept looking back and forth and getting on and off of the bed because she just didn't know what to do. So shortly after I called my AMAZING mother-in-law because I was just freaked out. We headed to the ER and were brought in right strange being the ONLY patients in there!!! They gave her some misty stuff (don't remember what it was called at the moment) that I held up to her mouth to help her breathing. She took two doses of that and then they gave her some steroid stuff. They ended up giving her some x-rays and a ct scan......the x-rays were by far the worst. I'm still a little shocked that I didn't cry while they were doing it to her, but I guess maybe I was in mommy mode and I knew that I needed to be strong for her while I was holding up her little arms. Guess crying now makes up for it!!! Anyways, they sent us home at about 1:30 with no medication with a diagnosis of croup and just told me that I needed to make sure that she drank enough. So when I called the Dr. this morning I told her that Lillian was still having a little bit of difficulty breathing still she told me to bring her in. Dr. Orton said that her breathing was still too labored so she gave us some more steroids to give her over the next couple of days. After two doses today, Lillian is already doing a lot better and hopefully things will get better here on out!
While what we went through is nothing major compared to what a lot of parents have to go through, Saturday was most certainly a day which made me value my family even more. Seeing my child gasp for air is something I don't ever want to experience again. Anyways, I don't want to cry anymore so I'm going to change the subject. Thank you Pat for all of your help and for spending your Saturday morning with us!
In other news, I obviously haven't had much of a chance to edit with the both of us being sick! Hope to get back into the swing of things tomorrow and finish everything up. Hmmmmm.......what else?! Oh, how about the fact that we're going to be getting a realtor shortly! We're ready to move into a house of our own.......FINALLY!!! I know a lot of people buy homes right when they move to a new location, but we didn't want to make a mistake. I wanted to make sure that we were sending our kids to a good school and that Dan was happy with his job (he is btw) and that we liked the area. Well I've settled on Arlington School District. It's a small district, but it was recently ranked in the top 8% in the country which I'd like to think is a good sign! So the search begins! We're in no huge rush, just a medium rush......kinda over the whole renting thing (don't get me started!)
Anyways, I think that's about it! I should have some new pics to share tomorrow and hope to get a lot accomplished!