Nothing much planned far as I know!! I got in the car today and hit the road, only to realize that my check engine light was on....ackkk!!! So I of course was a little freaked out by that. This is only my second car and I only ended up getting this one (an Impala) since my last one was wrecked when some crazy lady didn't make sure that there wasn't any traffic coming her way when she turned. I can still hear her now......"don't worry honey, I've been in plenty of accidents" Um, hello, stupid thing to say when you just wrecked my car. Anyways, back to the Impala. We're planning on trading the thing in sometime soon anyways, not sure what we're going to's between another Impala, a Subaru, or a VW wagon. I'm totally never getting a mini van....not my matter how much space they have. And I don't want an SUV. Subaru might come in handy with the winters here, but I guess we'll see. Dan's going to check out what's wrong with it and change my oil since it needs to be done and that may be the reason the light's going off. If it's not worth us to fix it then I guess we'll just trade it in. In the end I don't really care what I long as it has keyless entry. I don't have it now and it's such a PAIN!!!
Anyways, I've been waiting to have a CT call until I had some more stuff in my store. I'm still going to wait another week or two so I can get some more product, plus there's other CT calls going on at MDM and I don't want there to be too many fish in the bowl if you get what I mean. So if you're interested now (even though I haven't posted my "guidelines"), shoot me an email at!! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!